Susana Barba
Colusa County - Adult Education
Nominated in 2024
Susana is a mother and was having challenges of child care and transportation to class around these challenges when she first came to us. She was able to put her youngest in a partial-year child care to have time to study for HiSet/GED class. She concurrently enrolled in English as a New/Second Language (ESL) with us and earned her GED! She was able to serve our program by speaking at our annual awards ceremony, encouraging her peers to continue on in their educations. We were able to align supports with the local community college and Susana enrolled in college as an Agricultural Science major! She then went on to obtain paid employment in the campus greenhouse which aligns with her goals as a plant scientist! Susana's involvement in our program led to her GED, improved English, college education, and a job! We could not be more proud of Susana, her progress, or her contributions to the local community. When not going to college, working, or caring for her children, you will find her encouraging local groups and other parents to continue their education. Susana is active in her children's school and is successful in her college coursework. She plans to transfer to the University of California, Davis to earn her Bachelor's Degree and carry on contributions in plant science! Susana is an inspiration to her peers, coworkers and instructors alike!