Joshua Silvestre
Sacramento City USD - Adult & Continuing Education
Joshua Silvestre was a student at the Charles A. Jones Skills & Business Education Center in the 2006-2007 school year. He graduated in June 2008 and was the Student Speaker for the Graduation Class.
Joshua overcame a background filled with drugs and alcohol from the time he was twelve years old. At the age of fifteen he was introduced to methamphetamine, and from then on, life just spiraled down until he decided a change was needed. He had become a young father.
Not knowing where to start or what to do, at age 29 Joshua entered a two year program housed at the Mather Community Campus and later chose to enter the Charles A. Jones Skills and Business Education Center for Medical Assistant Program. He tried college, but it was just too hard and made him feel he wasn't as smart as the other students, and just wouldn't fit in. Joshua came to the Skills Center in 2006 and started the Medical Assisting Program. He went to all his classes, was always on time, and completed his assignments. He excelled in Customer Service, Medical Terminology, Anatomy and Physiology and, much to his surprise, keyboarding. Joshua put his heart and soul into the program. He was driven to succeed, for himself, for his son, and for his family but, most of all – for himself. Other than stopping the drugs and the drinking, this was the hardest thing he had ever done.
Joshua became involved in Student Council and spoke every Wednesday at the new student orientation. He encouraged them to take the first step toward their future; he did it, they could too. He spoke at the Serna Center, and his lectures were welcomed by the Board Members. Joshua contributed in every way to the school, the students, the teachers and office staff. He was involved to the fullest and went with other students and staff to meet with legislators at the State Capital to successfully fight for passage adult education legislation.
Joshua finally knew what he wanted and he made his dream come true through the choices he made that had changed his life. The Skills Center was his tool; he made it work for him and others.
Joshua was hired on his Externship site, Sutter Medical Foundation in Roseville where he now works full time for eight Physicians and two Physician Assistants in Family Practice. Sutter has been involved in Joshua's success, and now he is setting his sights on becoming a Radiation Therapist.
Possessing the tools to follow his dreams for into the future, Joshua plans to continue his education, both for himself and as an example to his son. What a wonderful young man Joshua is and what a wonderful story he has to tell. He is truly an inspiration to all of us.
This young man has done so much for himself and others; one can only imagine what he will do for his son.
The adult learner of today is our future for tomorrow.